

Equal Kings Is a gaming group  started by a group of gamers and entrepreneurs that wanted to unite the gaming community and create an environment for everyone to have a voice in the choices made in the community.

We believe everyone should have a voice in making things better, so we vote on every major and minor decisions regarding the company

We are a rather new group and have competed in a few tournaments and are welcoming new members. Since we are a new group the sooner you join and the more you contribute to helping us grow the more influence and power you will have in the group, so Become a King Today.

Join our discord today: https://discord.gg/ZcXsD9b

Hasan Johnson- CEO and Co-Leader of Equal Kings

Our Future


Equal Kings Is an E-sports Group That has competed in mobile tournaments and is expanding into console and PC e-sports. We are currently looking for skilled and passionate players across different platforms and games to expand our rosters. Additionally, we are also looking for people to help manage our Discord server and help make Equal Kings the best we can be. If you are interested, join our Discord and contact any available staff member. We're looking forward to meeting you and, hopefully, playing with you.
-{EK} SaiJoker and {EK} Phantom



Featured Equal Kings YouTube Channels

EK Phantom